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Nov 27, 2019

Anyone else get so excited about the holidays, only to feel like you end up stressed, expectations not met, snapping at your loved ones when you don’t end up with that perfect photo for Instagram?

Happiness is when your expectations meet your reality. I’ve actually been a bit of a grinch - so unlike me. Christmas growing up with was stressful. But having a toddler who sees the magic in everything is changing that! We went to my son’s preschool for a parents activity that totally put things in a different light.

  1. 1. Lifestyle Inventory
    1. What statements are true?
    2. How much time can you count on free time per day?
    3. How do you spend those unscheduled hours?
    4. To find time for the holidays, what will you take away time from?
    1. Whose responsibility is it?
    2. Do you like or dislike it?
    3. If you dislike it, why? Time? Money? Don’t enjoy it?
  2. Holiday Tasks - Let’s Get Real
    1. Make a list of what you’d like to do this year as part of your holiday traditions. What were the fun memories you had from childhood? It’s often not the expensive or complicated ones!
      1. Wrapping paper fun
      2. Expectations around gifts
    2. How can you calendar it out in a way that isn’t stressful?
      1. No santa visits, only two holiday parties.
      2. What about travel?
    3. What activities or obligations feel heavy?
  3. Calendar It out!


You won’t remember every detail, but you’ll remember how you feel. And the memories you’ll savor are the small ones… your little one snuggling into you, reading a book by the light of the Christmas tree, or walking down Christmas tree lane with your sweetheart, sipping on a warm beverage.

Don’t lose site of what the holidays are about…’s not about gifts or obligations. Regardless of your beliefs, it’s about spending time with loved ones, about honoring or creating traditions, about being grateful.

For more info on the host, visit, and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero !

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